The Paradox of Presence

Inspiring hope, compassion, courage, resilience, and tolerance
Building bridges of communication between cultures

Courses and Training
To explore the variety of courses and training we offer, please see our Courses and Training page. International Institute for Humanistic Studies (I.I.H.S.) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education (CE) for clinical psychologists. I.I.H.S. maintains responsibility for all programs and its content.
I.I.H.S. Updates
If you would like to receive I.I.H.S. updates, please send an email to Myrtle Heery, Ph.D. at mheery@sonic.net and request to be added to our news E-List.
Questions on Trainings, Reactions and Suggestions

We are pleased to announce trainings for in-depth communication and aging: Awakening to Aging »

Unearthing the Moment: Mindful Applications of Existential-Humanistic and
Transpersonal Psychotherapyby Myrtle Heery, Ph.D."Unearthing the Moment" is a subjective-based book comprised of 25 chapters written by a broad range of psychotherapists from Canada, China, and the United States. The authors share their applications of existential-humanistic and transpersonal psychotherapy to diverse populations in far-reaching circumstances.

"DON'T LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE... THEY COME BACK BITING!" is an 8-step system for moving beyond anger and transforming unresolved core issues.
We offer this book at a time when there is much anger and division around us; in our families, with friends, and with others who have opposite ideologies.
The contribution of this book about anger is that it offers solutions. Most other books deal with identifying where anger comes from, but do not provide practical steps to resolve the anger.
This book identifies where anger comes from for you personally and how to resolve your
anger. Overwhelming anger becomes normal irritation when this system is used on a regular
basis. A WORKBOOK SECTION is included if you want to use this system to:
• Clarify the source of your anger
• Work with a counselor
• Use with therapy clients
• Train psychology, counseling, and social work students
We hope you see yourself in these stories and find answers in these pages.

I.I.H.S. supports minority students and interns as much as possible in attending all our trainings. Now is the time to support your own interest in the International Institute for Humanistic Studies. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. I.I.H.S. is a 501c(3) tax-exempt public charitable organization, I.D. #77-0591145.